"Probing the Lithosphere"
Notes prepared by
Horst Heise and Ron Clowes
LITHOPROBE Secretariat
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4
Most of our funding comes
from, firstly, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada (NSERC); and, secondly,
the Geological Survey of Canada. They are the principal supporters
of LITHOPROBE. But there are more sponsors: direct (i.e. dollars)
and indirect (support and services) contributions flow from
provincial and territorial geological surveys. And LITHOPROBE’s
intellectual input from the many scientists who have worked
for or still are engaged in LITHOPROBE projects largely comes
for free, since the scientists’ salaries are being paid
for by the universities and the geological surveys which, in
the end, means by the general taxpayers of Canada. And then
there are the mining and oil companies which recognize the
benefit of LITHOPROBE’s studies for their own undertakings.
They contribute funds directly to certain surveys, donate data,
and also their time and knowledge.