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Ghost Mountains and Vanished Oceans – North America from Birth to Middle Age: a new book by John Wilson, author of Dancing Elephants and Floating Continents,  and Ron Clowes, Director of Lithoprobe, that is aimed at the general adult reader. It is the Lithoprobe story and more. Stories of mountains rising and falling, oceans opening and closing, and entire continents sliding around on the surface like shuffleboard pieces. Stories that incorporate lost explorers, Irish bishops, Scottish cannibals, and a naturalist who should be as famous as Charles Darwin. The tale told is of the birth, death, and rebirth of entire continents and, by extension, it is the story of the world on which we live.

Lithoprobe mediaUNIQUE! A new children's book about LITHOPROBE: Dancing Elephants & Floating Continents - The story of Canada beneath your feet. A children’s non-fiction book for ages about 8-12 years with profuse illustrations, both photo pictures and artistic renderings - written by John Wilson and published by Key Porter Books.

NEW! Accompany Teachers' Guide for Dancing Elephants & Floating Continents - The story of Canada beneath your feet is now available.

Read press release by Key Porter Books.

See book's cover 2Mb


Also check out the recently released books on physical properties of Earth materials - supported by the LITHOPROBE project:
RHEOLOGY of Polyphase Earth Materials
   LITHOPROBE publication no. #1301
   Written by Shaocheng Ji and Bin Xia;
   Published by Polytechnic International Press.
   See book's cover 7Mb

Handbook of Seismic Properties of Minerals, Rocks and Ores

   LITHOPROBE publication no. #1316
   Written by Shaocheng Ji, Qin Wang and Bin Xia;
   Published by Polytechnic International Press.
   See book's cover 9Mb

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