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Geoscience Information and Educational Materials

Poster Now Available!
A poster and associated web pages provide a cross-section of the earth's structure beneath southwestern Canada. The 100-km deep cross-section crosses the Juan de Fuca ridge where new oceanic crust is formed west of Vancouver Island and continues east across the continent. The profile traverses the earthquake-prone subduction zone beneath Victoria and Vancouver and extends across the Rocky Mountains to the foothills of Alberta. In addition, the poster describes the techniques that geoscientists use to probe the earth's structure and history.

LITHOPROBE Materials Available:

  • LITHOPROBE Brochure
    The color brochure (Probing the Lithosphere and Sonder la Lithosphère) was printed in November 1991 and is available in French or English. The brochure provides an overview of LITHOPROBE research for individuals of high school age and older.
    LITHOPROBE Secretariat if you are interested.
  • LITHOPROBE Slide Set Online!
    The slide-set explains the main thrust of LITHOPROBE research, describes the multidisciplinary techniques used and explains basic results obtained from a variety of study regions across Canada. A 40-page manual describing the 80 slides is included and is available in English and French.
    The slide-set costs $80.00 and can be ordered by contacting the LITHOPROBE Secretariat.
  • LITHOPROBE Phase V Proposal
    The Phase V Proposal: Evolution of a Continent Revealed provides a comprehensive, detailed summary of LITHOPROBE's research focusing on investigations between 1993-1998. Geological and tectonic summaries of all transect regions are included, as is LITHOPROBE's planned research to bring the project to its scheduled conclusion in 2003. A limited number of copies of the Phase V Proposal (293 pp.) are available to those who can justify their need to receive a copy. Otherwise, copies of the Phase V Proposal should be available in every Canadian University Library system and in most Earth Science departments in Canada.
  • For more detail:
    For specific, detailed scientific information, see the LITHOPROBE Publications and transect pages
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