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The LITHOPROBE Celebratory Conference:
From Parameters to Processes -
Revealing the Evolution of a Continent

3-Day Program >> Contributed Abstracts >>

Since 1984, LITHOPROBE has been investigating the key geotectonic structures associated with the Canadian andmass and the processes involved in its evolution. Now LITHOPROBE is drawing to a conclusion and we are highlighting its many achievements with a celebratory conference.

When? 2004: October 12 (evening reception), 13, 14 and 15 (meeting days)

Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Map/Directions)
[Parking are free for all LITHOPROBE Conference's participants at the Ontario Science Centre. Please let the parking attendant know that you are attending the Conference.]

Registration fee
CAD$200 or US$160; includes 3 lunches & the Banquet on Oct 14

Register now


  • Highlight the scientific achievements of LITHOPROBE during the past 20 years, focusing on the parameters, structures and processes associated with continental evolution;
  • Provide a forum for comparisons of results from studies in geologically similar environments;
  • Provide an opportunity for LITHOPROBE and other scientists to demonstrate how their research addresses the themes below; and (4) Bring the results of LITHOPROBE and the importance of the Earth sciences to the attention of the public through a Media Morning and a Public Lecture

Scientific themes:

  • The Early Earth - Establishing the Cratons;
  • The Middle Earth - Stitching the Cratons and Other Events;
  • The Late Earth - Young Orogenic Belts;
  • Processes in the Earth - How the Planet Works;
  • The Resourceful Earth - Sustaining & Endangering Life on the Planet


  • 30-minute invited oral presentations from key LITHOPROBE contributors and international keynote speakers for each theme;
  • contributed poster presentations from LITHOPROBE scientists and other participants

Abstracts: Due by September 17, 2004


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